Well, 9 points and counting! The Magic Man only needs a major and 3 more single points to finish his American Championship!
Magic is pictured here in May of 2007 getting ready for a show in Pomona, CA where we were there filling a major for Lucky - which broke. Magic hadn't quite decided he wanted to be a show dog at that time, and while he looked beautiful, he had a terrible outing that day.
Magic really hasn't been shown much. After the disaster in Pomona he was shown in Flagstaff but didn't get the crossover for the point. Then we went to Michigan where he went BW for four points. We then did the IABCA shows in December, where he finished his title in three shows. Prior to all of this I had only shown him in Vegas as filler for Lucky's last single points, and Magic wouldn't walk at all! It was so frustrating. Every judge just adored him and told me that I must find a way to get him to move.
I found a conformation class FINALLY earlier this year and since then we've been going to class before most upcoming shows. He lost to Garnet in Sierra Vista, but he's won in every other show. I'm very proud of his accomplishments, which include his first AKC major AND his IABCA International Championship. I'm hoping he will be a finished AKC Champion some day.
In the mean time, Magic runs the house and yard freely. His coat is indestructible and the only restriction on his day is that he must sleep in his 2x3 in the bedroom at night (on a satin bed mat) and stay crated when I'm not at home. Magic actually loves his crate. He loves the noise it makes when he hops in! Many nights here you can hear Magic and Garnet running through the house from the dining room, through the kitchen, down the hall and into the bedroom, where you will then hear Magic hop into his crate with Garnet barking at him because he won't let her in! And then they are off again on the chase. It's a nearly a nightly ritual here and it just proves that crates are happy places for dogs when they are given the choice to make it their own special place! In fact, the games are on as I'm writing this!
Magic is a very special boy. He is one of those dogs that is just adorable and so vulnerable. I adore him and whether he finishes his AKC title or not, he will always be a special boy to me.