WoTeH'sin Surf's Up!
AM / Intl CH WoTeH'sin Smoke And Mirrors x AM CH WoTeH'sin Island Style
WoTeH'sin Dot Dot Dot
AM / Intl CH WoTeH'sin Smoke And Mirrors x AM CH WoTeH'sin Island Style
BIS AM CH Xeralane's Face The Future x AM/Intl CH WoTeH'sin Do U Believe In Magic?
Xeralane's Music Source
BIS/BISS AM CH Xeralane's Face The Music ROM x Xeralane's Source Code
AM CH WoTeH'sin Island Style
AM CH Xeralane's Johnny Angel ROM x WoTeH'sin Booty-N-Charm ROM*
AM/INT CH WoTeH'sin Do U Believe In Magic?
WoTeH'sin Magic Spell"Sabrina"
AM/INT CH WoTeH'sin Smoke And Mirrors x WoTeH'sin Booty-N-Charm ROM*
Loved by Sally & Dick in Traverse City, MI
AM CH WoTeH'sin Magic Touch
AM/INT CH WoTeH'sin Smoke And Mirrors x WoTeH'sin Booty-N-Charm ROM*
S'Dandi's Crimson Crystal At WoTeH'sin

AM CH S'Dandi-WoTeH'sin After Midnite x S'Dandi's Lite Up The Nite
Loved by Jackie in Birmingham, AL
WoTeH'sin Booty-N-Charm, ROM*

WoTeH'sin Third Time's The Charm x AM CH DimSum Booty Marks WoTeH'sin
Loved by Anna in San Tan Valley, AZ

AM/CAN CH S'Dandi's On Loan From God ROM x WoTeH'sin Want U T'No Who I Am

AM CH AmaDandi's Midnight Hunter x Lady Crystalline Of Foxhollow
Loved by me still to this day - I miss you baby girl. Until we meet at the bridge . . .

AM/CAN CH S'Dandi's On Loan From God ROM x AM CH DimSum Booty Marks WoTeH'sin
AM CH JLS On The Mark Of Phildore x Cactus Free At Last
Loved by the Collier's of Scottsdale, AZ

Samson's Dare Devil Tiger x Lorrell's Tiffany Lynn
Loved by me until the end - I can't wait to see you again at the bridge
*Eligible for the Register Of Merit title as awarded by the American Shih Tzu Club for producing 4 champion offspring.