Hopefully I don't jinx this but while I lay here recovering from yet another cold, I have news of the pitter-patter of little paws on the horizon! Today Sally called me to tell me that Holly - CH WoTeH'sin Breakfast At Sniffanys - had a pre-delivery xray and there are five babies in there!
Holly has been living in Michigan for some time now with Sally and the S'Dandi crew. The last time she was bred, sadly it didn't take - I think that secretly Holly just loves Sally's home cookin' and decided she wanted to stay even LONGER so she didn't have any babies. But this time around Sally timed the breedings perfectly and we are keeping our fingers and toes crossed for a smooth delivery!
Holly is Magic's full litter sister and he sends his best to his sis! Oh and he says, I have a champion kid already that is a Best Puppy In Specialty Show winner - let's see what ya got!
Holly is shown above finishing her championship with Sally in Traverse City, MI