WoTeH'sin Shih Tzu is a small, hobby, home based breeder in the Phoenix / Scottsdale, Arizona area. I produce Champion Shih Tzu to the AKC breed standard focussing on conformation, temperament and health. Puppies and young adults occassionally available to suitable pet homes.
So obviously I've not been updating my site on a regular basis. Life has been a continual challenge this past (almost) year. I think that this was due to challenges in areas of my life that were not physical per se. My physical health remains about the same, although one knee is worse for the wear. I am trying to challenge myself physically and have made physical challenge my 2020 goal. I'm hoping to be able to start physical therapy sometime in January or February. Also, due to other circumstances, I am seeking medical guidance from Mayo Clinic. However their waiting period is 6-9 months to begin care with a family physician. I've requested an appointment with Neurosurgery as well. So fingers crossed. A friend of mine coaxed me to get into the Mayo system since they are an all encompassing medical care facility. Their doctors actually talk to one another! Something that was lacking during my previous surgery in 2015.
As for dogs - they are pawesome! They are the driving force behind my desire to participate in life daily. I adore them. I do my best with them and they adore me regardless of anything happening in my life. We continue to adore one an other immensely!
And puppies?? Yes, we have a litter on the way! Due on Christmas Day. What a gift!! :D
WoTeH'sin Shih Tzu is a work always in progress - the goal being to give back everything and more to the little lion dog that has stolen my heart. The kennel name WoTeH'sin loosely translates to Chinese verbiage of "Wo Te" meaning "my" or showing ownership and "H'sin" which translates to "heart". My dogs are family members first and show dogs second. My life revolves around them - their unconditional love makes my life worth living. This breed has truly stolen my heart! I am active in the canine community. I am a member of the American Shih Tzu Club and I currently am the Vice President and Show Chair for the AZ Toy Dog Fanciers.
Whether it's our latest win in the show ring or a pearl of wisdom from my iPhone triggered by everyday life - it's happening
You will also find links to many informative articles about showing dogs, vaccine protocols and canine health. Follow me to stay up to date!