I had been debating on a breeding with one of my girls and that issue of the Reporter made up my mind. I remember telling Sally that the worst that could happen is that the McGee's - Tom and Joan who bred and own Max - could say no to my humble request. After all, Max was and still is quite a dog.
Fast forward to June of 2005 when my Max son went Best Puppy in Show in Traverse City, MI. I could have burst from my pride! This was only surpassed when Cole finished his championship with his third major, being a single dog entry going Best of Winners at the Berrien KC show for a 4 point major. Along the way we were worried because Cole was so small - only 9 pounds - but boy could he move! He went through a stubborn period too where he just wouldn't show. I guess he just wanted us to remember who really was the boss! Sometimes those solid black Shih Tzu can be stubborn. But through it all he is now known as Champion S'Dandi WoTeH'sin After Midnite.
Cole lives in Michigan with my mentor and dear friend Sally Watkeys. Sally did such a great job with this little wonder dog - finishing my first home-bred champion in grand style! We co-own Cole to this day and he remains a special addition to both of our breeding programs. Cole puppies will be out there soon in the show ring and his second litter of hopefuls were just born this week. If his first litter is any indication, his progeny will make both Sally and I very proud.
Because of Cole I also have a special friendship with the McGees as well to this day. Tom and Joan are such wonderful folks. And Max is still running the yard and ruling the McGee roost in Modesto! I can never express my gratitude to these two special friends that allowed a nobody like me to breed one of my girls to a dog like Max! Max will always be one of the greats in our breed.
Shown above is Cole winning Best Puppy in show - a special little Shih Tzu on a very special day!
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