Sunday, August 20, 2017

Busy, busy

It's been a pretty busy summer here.  Just everyday life has kept me with little time to spare.  Health-wise, I'm about the same if not a bit worse.  I will be consulting with a surgeon sometime likely in September to see what kind of options I have regarding my lumbar issues and the resulting pain I have on a daily basis.  I continue to do steroid injections to ease the pain at least a bit.  Some injections are better than others it seems.  Right now I'm feeling ok since the last go round.  But knowing it's a temporary fix kind of dampens the spirit.

Non physical challenges have been plenty recently.  But we continue to plug along here.  Hoping that the kindness of others may provide when we are in dire need.  Trying to motivate yourself sometimes in the face of adversity isn't easy.  But I try my best.

Mostly I continue to plug along for the sake of the pups.  They collectively are my muse.  They entertain, they love.  But they need too.  So I must provide.  And I do the very, very best that I am able in that department.  Right now their needs are few thanks to the help from a friend or two that continue to remain constant in my life.  And I thank you for that!  :)

And puppies!  For those of you that have been waiting for some good news - here it is.  Puppies are due in mid-October.  I will post the news on our upcoming litter page next!

So for now all is well.  Can't wait for the break in the summer heat.  Only about a month to go before the nights start getting nice and cool and the pups can extend their playtime outside.  Can't wait!

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