Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Where Have I Been

So it's been a minute . . . .

Life has a way of getting away from you when you let it.  It seems that the older I get, the less time I perceive as having available day to day.  I fail to make lists and I need to make them.  Especially due to the challenges I face medically.

Things are okay.  The dogs are fine - healthy and happy.  I am so blessed to still have them with me through the struggles I have faced.  Part of me wonders though when the train will derail, but I try to lock that negativity away.

With regard to puppies . . . I have had litters although only a couple and they have been sold prior to birth, so I've not posted anything about puppies being available since my last post of 2017.  But for those who have been waiting and recently inquiring . . . I will be posting information in a separate post.  This post is just for those wondering if I'm still around and in the Shih Tzu world.  I am.  Just flying beneath the radar, mostly because that's only as high as I've been able to fly.  :)

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