Saturday, March 17, 2012

Princess Pretty Pretty

Angelique was born back in February of 2001.  She singled out in showing, but I never was able to get those majors on her.  I finally cut her down due to my working 12 hour days and not having the time, skill or knowledge at that time of appropriate products to keep her coat in good condition.  Angelique is a sweet little girl who is a champion producer and a girl that has more than earned her spot on my pillow every night.  She has the sweetest disposition and she makes me smile every day. 

Angelique just turned 11 years old last month and she is still going strong!  She loves her some cookies and is just a tad pudgy for her size.  She's cute as a bug and my groomer, Sharee, loves her best.  :) 

1 comment:

Mam'zelle said...

She reminds me of my little girl who turned 4 in September :)